Single-Atom Photocatalysts Enhanced by a Self-Powered Photonic Glass Reactor to Produce Advanced Biofuels

The increasing energy demand and the depletion of fossil‑fuel reserves, threatening our energy security and the environment, have aroused intense global concern.

To mitigate this, the EU aims to become climate-neutral by 2050, by targeting at the next‑generation of biofuels from non‑land and non-food competing bio‑wastes.

5 Partners


4 Countries


2.99M € Funding


42 Months


5 Partners | 4 Countries | 2.99M € Funding | 42 Months |

The Project

GlaS‑A‑Fuels envisions a holistic approach to transform bio‑ethanol to advanced biofuels like Butanol (BuOH), heavier alcohols and hydrogen (H2), employing recyclable and cooperative catalysts from earth‑abundant elements.

The concept is based on the engineering of a light‑trapping and light‑tuning photonic glass reactor, self‑powered by a thermoelectric module, and tailored to amplify the effectiveness of photo‑amplified single‑atom catalysts.